THE FINAL ADVENTURES OF Mason, Balliol, Sully, Tommy and some new friends too
Ennarath's Articles In Writing
August 20, 2007 by Ennarath
“So wait a minute?” Sully said, swiping a cigarette from Mason’s pack that was on his bed. “You guys,” he pointed at Swain and Balliol with his cigarette, “and Mercurio were plotting to put me back with Chris?” He held out his hand and Mason gave him a lighter while he squinted and lit it. “Not gonna happen,” he grinned and said through clenched lips. “I think it should,” Mason said. “Oh, fuck! You too?” “See, we all think it’s a good idea.” “I don’t, and Chris hasn’t come to me or...
August 19, 2007 by Ennarath
having some computer problems. white life will be back in a bit -chris (ennarath)
August 14, 2007 by Ennarath
“WELL, THIS IS BAD, ISN’T IT?” Sully said. He and Mason were alone, something that almost never happened and signified either that people had just left, or other people were getting ready to come. “I don’t know what else to say about it,” he said. “I think that’s all that can be said,” Mason told him looking up from a pile of clay. “What is that?” Sully asked him. It was something like a lion, but with a long head, a head like a bird. “It’s a griffon. Or griffin, depending upon ...
August 12, 2007 by Ennarath
“Relax,” Sully said, catching up with him. “Nothing happened. He was just really down too, so I listened to his problems and everything. It was weird. I... have never actually treated him like a person. It’s funny, but I felt really shitty the whole time I was listening to him. I’m supposed to be this sensitive writer and shit and it seriously never occurred to me that Justin’s a real person. I don’t even know if we can do what we’ve been doing again. I don’t know if it would work.” “Are yo...
August 2, 2007 by Ennarath
Stevie Wonder sang: Your precious sweetheart She’s so faithful She’s so true Oh yeah Her dreams are tumbling Her world is crumbling Because of you Un huh One day you’ll hurt her Just once too much And when you finally loose your tender touch Yeah! yeah! Shoobie doobie doo da me! Her feet may wander Her feet may stray Oh yeah! Shoobie doobie doo da dee! You’re gonna send your baby straight to me! In the middle of something Swain was about to say, Mason lifted a f...
June 19, 2007 by Ennarath
Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth and when he does let him be laughing there ought to be a banner over us, unlike all the others all the poor fuckers before you don't be afraid to call it love i see you again and again do you see me i long to speak to you to touch you again to set you as a seal on my arm and lay you down gently by my side
June 14, 2007 by Ennarath
“It does get crazier.” “It does,” Sidney confessed. “And since it will all be out anyway... I’ll tell you. See, Chris went berserk the day that his father told him... Mark told Chris, that he was gay.” “Wait,” Mason was confused. “Mark found out Chris was gay and told him—” “No,” Sidney waved that off. “Mark is gay.” “What?” both boys said at once, and then Balliol said, “Father and son.” “Maybe it’s in the water,” Mason shrugged. Sidney laughed, and then looked at the water glass...
June 12, 2007 by Ennarath
There was a knock on Mason’s door that afternoon. Addison was going to be at the gas station and then with that Bonnie girl and Tommy was doing something with his mother. Balliol had been wrangled for choir practice at Saint George’s, so it couldn’t be one of his friends. He could smell the cigarette smoke from his father’s studio so Sidney was in his zone which left Mason to get the door and while he was contemplating the unfairness of this, he opened the door, fixed a smile on his face and....
June 10, 2007 by Ennarath
It took Sully a moment to catch on and then when he did, he had a look on his face like he was running down the street, running toward the end of something, trying to catch up. “You can’t be Chicago,” Sully said. “Not my Chicago.” Balliol nodded. “I mean, I changed some facts. Like I said my real name was Robert cause I wanted to make sure your real one was Sullivan. And… I know it was probably not exactly right but… There it is.” “Bailey...” “You weren’t... telling me anything. And...
June 6, 2007 by Ennarath
June 4, 2007 by Ennarath
“Listen to me, Bailey,” he said. “You need to turn your radar off. It’s working overtime.” “What radar?” “The ‘Sullivan Reardon is in Trouble’ radar. Look, you’re my best friend ever, and I love the way you always look after me. I didn’t even know you did it until recently.” Balliol opened his mouth. “No,” Sully said sternly. “You have to let me finish. “Listen, let me look after you this once, Just, relax. There is nothing wrong.” Balliol didn’t believe him, but he couldn’t do a...
June 1, 2007 by Ennarath
MARK POWERS SHOOK HIS SLEEPING son by the shoulders and whispered, “Com on down, birthday boy.” Chris Powers yawned and knuckled his eyes. “Wha?” Frantically, Mark sang, “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Christopher! Happy birthday to you!” “Ah, dad,” Chris yawned, but he was chuckling. “Get up.” “What are you so excited about?” “Just get up,” Mark was pulling his son out of bed like he was the little boy. “I’m not even dressed.” Chris was i...
May 30, 2007 by Ennarath
To celebrate the homestretch of White Life I have a series of surprises. The next episode will be sent up Friday evening, but this space is devoted to all the Questions you have about the characters, about their creator, about what's going on in the Eastforth and at Saint Vitus High School. Multiple questions are welcome. EVERYTHING will be answered... even if not to your satisfaction. Ask away!
May 29, 2007 by Ennarath
“You just pay attention to the road and not the crowds,” Seth told him. They drove for a while, Addison paying so much attention to the road as they headed into his neighborhood, that he paid no attention to Seth, dropping what he dropped into his drink. It wasn’t anything serious, just a sort of.... help. EDGARALLENPOET: I have a confession to make. CHICAGO: Should I put on my Roman collar? EDGAR: No, I’m not sure that I want to be absolved. CHI: What’s up? ED:I am offici...
May 26, 2007 by Ennarath
“I love Addison,” Balliol said, stiffening suddenly. “But not his routines. Every time someone tries to impersonate one particular gay person they do this long lisping cliché, and I don’t know any gay people, so I can’t say. But it seems wrong to lampoon a group of people just because you don’t get them. Or because they scare you. Which is is probably more the truth than anything.” Mason said: “Sully, I’m going to ask you something.” “What!” Sully jumped up. Mason cocked his head a...